
The Sun Chariot

Helios (Ἡλιος) is a Lore-Based Character derived of the Titan God from writings and imagery of the Greek Pantheon. Characterization is heavily based on headcanon, but founded in study of Theogony by Hesiod, some Homeric Hymns, and a variety of Greek & Roman Epics ranging from 6th century B.C. to 5th Century A.D.
As Written by Spirit.


NAMEHelios, Ἡλιος
ALIAS(ES)The Sun, God of the Sun, The Chariot, Hyperion
AGEOlder than the Gods of Olympus, but Younger than the Protogenoi
APPEARSTypically appears as a beardless man in his middle twenties
HERITAGEA Member of the Titanides, child of the Elder Titan Rulers
KINDTitan God, Physical Embodiment of the Sun
DOMINIONThe Sun; Far-Reaching Sight; Giving/Breaking Oath
GENDERManifests as a Cisgender Male
HEIGHTTall & Broad
BODY TYPEMuscular, Lean
EyesPale, Often Sunlit


Helios is the Titan God of the Sun and is often considered its physical manifestation. Each day he rises from a Golden Palace at the eastern end of the Earth, driving a golden chariot that is pulled by four fiery winged stallions. Crowned by the gleaming aureole of the sun, the Titan crosses the sky to descend in the west, where a golden goblet waits to carry him back to his palace. Though Helios may appear in multiple places at once, his central location during the day will always be at the helm of his chariot.Additionally, Helios is also the God of the Gift of Sight. As the Sun, he is considered ‘All-Seeing’ in the affairs of both mortals and gods. His expansive sight has played part in numerous stories, including the discovery of Persephone’s kidnapping by Hades, the revelation of Aphrodite’s adulterous affair with Ares, and Zeus’s foretold victory in the War of the Titans.Helios is also the Guardian of Oaths. He has acted as judge and jury for both Oath takers and Oath breakers. Thought typically benevolent, there is no better way to incur his wrath that to rescind on a given Oath.Helios appears most often as a young, beardless man in his late twenties. He has golden curls that seem to shine, whether in the light or not, and faded blue eyes that are said to 'shoot rays of golden light.’ As a Titan, he is broad in shoulder with the clearly defined muscles of a horseman and a warrior. His hands are utilitarian and callused from centuries of handling the reins of his wayward horses, and his calves bulge with strength from standing in his chariot. The Sun Titan gives off an essence of life and vitality, his presence sometimes too bright for mortal men to bear.When traditionally garbed, Helios wears a purple tunic and gleaming charioteer helmet. He wraps his legs in leather and wears equestrian boots. A Driving whip is either carried in his weapon hand or wrapped around his chest. However, The Sun God often opts to meet others in more casual attire, particularly in this modern world. It is far more common to see him now in comfortable linen trousers or board shorts, with a light-weight t-shirt on. Or perhaps nothing at all.


Helios is generally an affable and benevolent Titan. He observes everything beneath him, but is rarely moved enough to interfere unless someone comes beseeching his help. It takes a great trespass to upset the sun god, but once he is angered, his wrath scorches all it touches. His fury burns itself out quickly, and he rarely seems to hold a grudge, instead treating each day as though it were born anew.Helios values his family and friends very highly, and is always seeking to protect them however he can. His watchful eye is ever vigilant, though at times he feels powerless to actually do anything to help others. The sun titan is also comfortable being tactile with most anyone, giving and receiving affection and pleasure without restraint. In many ways, this intimacy is misleading, because it does not reveal the true depths of his emotions. Those… are much harder to decipher, and rarely shared.


  • Horsemanship

  • Leatherworking

  • Charioteering

  • Animal Husbandry

  • Archery

  • Keen Eyesight

  • Blacksmithing/Farriering

  • Divine Senses

  • Horse Master: Helios bears an intrinsic bond with the horses that pull his chariot across the sky. Their lifeforce is tied to his own, as emissaries of the sun. These horses (Aithôn, Pyrois, Eous, and Phlegon) communicate with him through telepathy & instinct, and are most beloved in his eyes.

  • Master Charioteer: Helios is regarded in lore as the inventor of the four-horse chariot (quadriga). He commands his own flaming chariot and winged horses across the sky each day, as the sun passing overhead. Helios maintains absolute control over both his animals and his chariot.

  • All-Seeing Watcher: As the embodiment of the Sun, Helios sees everything that the rays of his light touches throughout the day. He is regarded as the 'watchman of both gods and men' with the ability to both hear and see all. However, that which takes place during the night is seen by his sibling, Selene, the Moon.

  • Gift of Sight: Helios is known to heal the blind, since the ability of sight was once likened to the rays of the sun. His power over eyesight extended to impairing the vision of beings he did not favor.


To be further detailed.For more information on Helios, refer to the Theoi Project



(Main Verse) Unless indicated otherwise, Helios's adventures & encounters default into this standard verse. It may encompass any point in history and include the interaction of crossover characters.

(Modern Era Verse) This timeline verse takes place in the Modern Age, where Helios lives as a forgotten (and largely powerless), small god.

(Pre-Greek Rule Verse) Events within this timeline verse take place prior to the fall and imprisonment of the Old Titan Gods, including Helios's parents.